Saturday, October 15, 2011

Halloween Is Here!!!!!!!

 October is not just another month out of the year, but the month of Halloween (All Hallows Eve). Which is my favorite holiday, with that being said I felt as though Mila should experience everything possible that relates to this holiday. Since the turn of October first we have been indulging in numerous "Halloween" activities, and making everything that we do related to just that. Mila has been having a blast, and the pictures that follow are just a meer glimpse into the fun we have been getting into. So please sit back and enjoy" Mila's Road To Halloween" .

On this day Mommy, and Daddy both decided that we would bake a pumpkin shaped cake. Mila of course was more than willing, and seeing as she rarely ever gets sweets we felt that she deserved to get spoiled, as always we had the camera on hand and were more than ready to begin documenting what will be a monumental adventure. She had her little hand in every step of the process (no pun intended), and the end result was a delicious pumpkin shaped cake that was ready for consumption. Mila didn't eat a good majority of the cake of course but she definitely got a chance to sample her creation.

Next on the agenda was this pumpkin patch that Mommy knew about, when I was a child I can remember going to the pumpkin patches and having so much fun picking out my pumpkin. So with that being said we knew Mila would get a kick out of it. We loaded up the car strapped in and headed off for this pumpkin wonderland. We arrived to what seemed to be a pumpkin patch on steroids. Not only did it consist of pumpkins, but it also had a train, numerous children's games, a bounce house, a gigantic bouncing pillow, a animal farm, and a corn maze. Never have I seen anything of this nature. Mommy and Daddy both were instantly catapulted into a child like state of mind which consisted of intense frolicking, and energy exertion. First stop was the train, a tractor with a line of barrels attached to wheels made to look like cows, and let me add that it wasn't the easiest to get in and out of. I sat in the front of Mi, and Mommy to get pictures of our pumpkin wonderland excursion. The "train" whisked us around with ease from one end of the patch to another and Mila's eyes were scanning around at all the sights and sounds. You could tell she was in utter amazement at everything her eyes were feasted upon. After the "train" we bounced over to this GIGANTIC pillow shaped object which was ironically named "Gigantic bouncing pillow" go figure. So I kicked off my shoes grabbed the munchkin and headed forth. We jumped and jumped..............and jumped some more. Mila got a kick out of it and after we stopped bouncing she kept jumping as if to imply "more Daddy, More". We then mosied over to were the animals were, and as anyone who reads this or knows Mila they know how fond she is of animals. She got to see pigs, goats, cows, chickens, roosters, turkeys, and chicks. After that we then to a crack at the "corn maze", needless to say it was rather confusing but one of us seemed to have it pegged, that was Mila. She took off in front of us and bolted through with ease. Both Mommy and I were happy to see how intelligent our daughter was, and thankful she got us through unscathed. That summed up all the activities we endured, now on to the confusing part, picking out the perfect pumpkin. Mila had it down to a science darting back and forth from pumpkin to pumpkin finally deciding on one that was bigger than her. We helped her with it also getting her a "Mila" sized pumpkin. After that we headed back to the car to go home because Mila was showing signs of tiredness. We decided to call it a day at the pumpkin wonderland, and get ready for a fun filled evening of messy pumpkin carving and more Halloween adventures. We all definitely had fun and are very glad Mommy came up with the idea of going. Thank you Mommy, Love Mila and Daddy.


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