Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mila's new bff

So Madrina's best friend Megan, has this cutie son name Connor! Well check out the pics daddy was here and not to thrill lol!

This is Mila's extended Family
Gina, Madrina, Kayla and Megan! 

(see dad's hand holding Mila back! Flirty Mila)

Daddy in town!

Daddy and Mommy have been commuting between San Diego and Mesa, so finally it was daddy's turn to fly!

Mila trying to play with daddy and mommy Black Ops!

Mommy and daddy took this little girl to the Heartattack Grill here in Arizona! 
We loved it and as you can tell Mila did too! I didn't feel like getting dolled up so excuse me for no make-up!

Mila was super excited to see daddy! She always wants to be with daddy, I can never seperate those two if my life depended on it! But I'm glad, Mila def has our personality, shes very social and lets everyone carry her unless she gives a nasty look than stay! LOL

Happy Birthday Madrina!

My not so beautiful in this picture sister, turned 22 this year!!! 
But Mila's madrina(godmother) wanted to share her day with Mila. Since Sara claims that's her PnC(partner n crime!) But in true Mila fashion she needs to try to eat all the food! She is exactly like her mommy and daddy!

Bath Time!

If you know our little girl, than you know she loves the water and could be in the tub forever and a day!!!
This is baby's first bath! Without any support and I was so shocked she was trying to crawl everywhere!

After her bottle and bath time a fun time with Papa Joe and Mama Liz, baby passed out!
I thought it was so adorable the way she passed out! 

The only thing that sucks is that she was more fascinated with my mom's tub than hers. See my mom got the best tub in the world! Its a jacuzzi! But I was so proud of her!

Christmas Pics

Mila was trying to help us decorate the tree... Just kidding she actually was trying to take all the decorations off and was trying to eat them! 

So after we gave up trying to decorate the tree my mom and I thought it would be a great idea, to take cute pictures of Ms. Garcia. This little girl was not happy, but the reason why is because my house has tile and she accidently fell head first and we try to put her to ease but all she wanted was to be held. But I thought it would give an awesome reason to take pics! =)

And hey check'em out and you tell me

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