Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Going, Going, Gone!!!!

So as of late Mila has been on an irregular sleeping schedule, She usually sleeps all the way through the night but has been waking up at 2:30, or 3 am for almost a week straight. So in an effort to tire her out and get her back on track we attempted to keep her entertained and avoid any naps (it was for a good cause I promise) so that she would do just that. Needless to say we were unsuccessful in our venture and Mila won. One minute we are sitting at the table all snacking on some delicious food, then the next minute I look over and Mila is enjoying her food, the next I look over and she is out like a light. So I rushed upstairs to grab my camera and came down to only get these adorable flicks. She was wiped.

In the end Mila prevailed but I am glad she napped and didn't end up giving to much trouble that night. Thanks Mila for yet again providing Mommy and Daddy with great memories and even better black mail photo's for when you get older. Love Mommy, and Daddy.


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